You're Crushing It!
Looks like it's time to pay it forward.
Let me explain...

It sounds like when it comes to navigating the workplace and advancing in your career:
You're confident and comfortable in your own skin
You know what you want, and you're not afraid to go after it
You don't feel the need to have input on the decisions you make (it's the sense of surety for me!)
For that, you deserve a round of applause.
Truth is, there are so many women that aspire to reach the same place in their career. Women who are afraid to use their voice to advocate for themselves. Women who doubt their abilities and their own self-worth. Women who feel alone because they're attempting to figure everything out without guidance or support from someone else.
My guess is that you were once that woman, but have overcome many insecurities to transform into the woman you are today.
I'll be the first to admit that I wasn't always as confident as I am in the workplace! I got here through trial & error, figuring things out by myself along the way, and lots of headache and tears ( many tears).

That is why I created
A one-of-a-kind community of amibitious, authentic, and supportive women working to level up together.
You know all of that work that you did to become the woman you are today? It's time to pay it forward.
Share your experiences and lessons learned to other women who are in need of guidance, empowerment, and support. Those women I mentioned who lack confidence and could use a little push in helping them to take ownership of their career and professional advancement.
Can you count the number of times you used to wish you could get advice on something that you're navigating at work right away?
Yeah...neither can I.
You didn't want to wait to talk to your bestie, or your manager, so instead you make your best guess at what to do next but you were left with a lot of uncertainty.
So many women face these nail biter moments on the regular, yet they (myself included) don't always seek the guidance that we so desperately need to feel more confident in our day-to-day.
Well YOU can now mentor others by giving in-the-moment support alongside me (Women's Career Coach) and a community of other women.

You know how you used to have that burning desire to level up in your career, but you just weren't sure how?
Maybe there were things that you wanted to improve on...and still do (self-advocacy anyone?!) but you're so busy trying to through your to-do list that you don't have the capacity for it. Maybe you don't know what sort of things you could even do to practice, say, communicating more effectively. Or you don't have anyone holding you accountable to implementing that practice.
What if I told you that you can get access to monthly challenges to help you focus on the areas you want to improve in, an accountability partner, and group coaching calls to help you develop & advance in your career.

Here's what you'll get:
Access to a diverse network of women from varying industries, fields & job levels - because there's so much to learn from each other, why be like other groups that are so specific!?
A safe space to be your authentic self - kick off your heels & toss the stuffy won't need it here. We chat daily in Slack!
The ability to be matched with another member for 1:1 accountability, mentorship, and learning
Monthly Zoom calls & development challenges, giving you actionable steps to reflect, grow, and excel your career

Feel like you need someone to talk to?
I'm here for you, girl.
Sometimes it just helps to talk things out. Whenever I get off a call with a woman who is torn between two decisions, struggling to figure out what she wants, or just needs help trying to figure out her next move, the astounding response I always get is...
"Ugh I feel SO much better now, thank you Tonya!"
As a Career Coach, supporting women in their careers is what I live for! It's something I never had throughout my 18+ year journey, but luckily I was able to scratch, claw, and cry my way to where I am today. But you shouldn't have to. Let me help you.
Here's what some of the ladies in a recent group coaching cohort of mine had to say about how being in a group setting made them feel...
I felt very comfortable and validated for my feelings and struggles.
Everyone made me feel very supported, while also sharing ideas that I hadn't thought of before for future opportunities. I appreciated the collaborative environment.
It gave me a window into how other women think about what they want and where they are in their pursuit of their dream career. For me, that is a major driver to pursue what I want and ask for what I think I deserve.

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